The Rogue's Gallery (page 2)


Rogues Gallery:1,2,3

Micole lays the blame on my shoulders for some mischief that she's inflicted on the universe, and me without a clue.

This one was a first. Occasionally, I recieve fan-mail (very boosting to the ego), and sometimes I recieve fan-art for my benefit or review. But this is the first example of me recieving fan art of myself! My thanks to Abe Groter for this one.

This is the result of me trotting around on Furrymuck as an 11-foot, totally ripped female wolf. Jay "Fisk" Naylor decided to take some "model shots", and sent me this "5x9 glossy".

Another fun little bit of friendly fan art, from European furry artist Boris "Terriekitten" Chwosta, showing me far more embarassed about the kind of smut I produce than I've ever been in real-life.

This is an image from way back, a gift from Juan "El Funimal" Alfonso, while he was visiting in Montreal. I owe Juan a lot for teaching me certain tricks and techniques for layout and design.

Here's a rather leggy version of Wolfette, by John "Roxikat" Barrett, of "Gold Digger: Edgegaurd" fame. This is the first time any of my characters were drawn in an anime-esque style, and I think the results are very interesting.

This is a rendition of Wolfette by Ferris; I love the way he draws her! The wonderfully outrageous proportions and attitude are just too much fun. He likes drawing her with her tongue lolling, which I find strangely amusing.

Rogues Gallery:1,2,3