"An Error in Spelling" was originally written for publication in the Amateur Press Association (APA) "The Furthest North Crew" (FNC), which I helped found, with Paul "Growl" Groulx. I was still fairly new to the concept of publication, and I'd gotten it into my head to prove that I could write, as well as draw. In a somewhat backward fashion, the story was inspired by its title; a discussion of the problems related to comunications in languages you didn't fully comprehend, crossed with my love for clever plays on words and the "demon" kick I was on, artistically, led to me jotting down this silly bit of fluff. There's a little bit of me, in Jarith, the protagonist. At the time this was written, I was a young man, just discovering "real" sex, and it pretty much occupied all my spare moments, thinking about it. I did get into a couple of little incidents, as a result, but nothing at all like this. Merry and the un-named demoness were inspired by a Terrie Smith piece ("Sunny"), and a rough sketch I had done of the "mother" of one of my established demon characters, Naneth.