Wolf's Stories

Scylla and Charibdes (pg.2)


"Let me be the judge of that, Sageth. I've always achieved the goals you've set for me in the end, no matter how unpalatable the process was."

The deamon steepled his fingers, and smiled "Very well then. I shall tell you how you can have access to large amounts of raw ethereal energy with no danger to your person, though I dare say at some small cost in other ways. Are you game, kitten?"

Sulis snorted, and lifted her chin "Of course."

Sageth's lips twitched, the corners of his mouth raising ever so slightly "Just so. Now then; as you know, I and my kindred are creatures of the primal Chaos."

The cheetah rolled her eyes "Yes-yes. What of it?"

The incubus' whiskers twitched, but he didn't pause "As such, we are creatures composed, in actuality, of pure ethereal energy given solid form and life." Sulis blinked, not quite sure where this was going. "Thus, incubi and succubi are magik embodied. Each and every part of us is in fact pure energy."

Sulis blinked again "Are you proposing that I eat you?" she arched an eyebrow "That seems a little drastic even for you."

Sageth's smile broadened "Close."

Sulis' eyes narrowed "I came to you for answers, not riddles, demon. Out with it."

"What I am saying, kitten, is that, if you apply some of the well honed skills you learned before I took you into my tutelage, you can be supplied with all the energies you require, with only a small expenditure of effort."

Sulis stared, shocked and outraged. Finally she sputtered "What exactly are you saying?"

Sageth licked a claw "As an incubus, all of my powers are sexually based. Thus, the focus of my energies is sexual. Ingesting the result , which is pure, highly concentrated ethereal energy, should give you all the power you need for quite a little while."

"So ...what you are saying is that I should ... should ..."

" Yes." he smiled.

Sulis closed her eyes, suddenly feeling, she was quite sure, the way the mouse does as the trap snaps shut. "There is no better way? No other way?"

The deamon rubbed the side of his nose "There are, but they are nowhere near as efficient or quick, nor as assured of success."

The smaller cat glared "I see. And just what sort of macabre and perverse rituals are involved with this little ... infusion?"

"None at all, dear apprentice." the demon chortled "It's a personal thing. You can be as elaborate or simplistic as you please."


Sulis padded over to stand before the huge tiger "Well then ... I suppose we should start with the basics, hmmm? Do we do this standing, sitting or laying down? And do you prefer clothed or unclothed?"

Sageth chuckled, and reached out to stroke her cheek. Sulis turned her face away, but didn't pull back, the demon's touch sending a frightening little jolt through her, as it always did. The tiger-demon tsked "So clinical. Such a shame you can't allow yourself to enjoy something that could be pleasant if you tried. I prefer to remain standing, and prefer you to be unclothed."

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